My Gentleman . . . Landon
Just thought you might want to know that chivalry is NOT dead. (Like I was beginning to think it was.) I was in the bank today with some papers to give to the teller. One of the papers flew onto the ground and before I could bend to pick it up, this kind sir swooped in from farther away than I was, picked it up and handed it to me before going about his business. That small kindness made my day because I sometimes wonder where all of the gentlemen have gone and why people seem to be lacking in manners.
Landon (age 7) runs to open doors for people. I have seem him holding a door open for what seemed like a good five minutes as I watched people flow through without a care in the world, or a thought as to how the door was staying open in the first place. Why don't people get out of their heads, look around and say "thank you". Do we all just feel a sense of entitlement these days? From the time my kids were small, I have been teaching them to say "please" and "thank you", and to think of others first. To treat kindly.
My grandpa
taught me how a young lady should be treated. he walked on the street-side of the sidewalk. Do men do that anymore? And I can't just pick on the men. Ladies, do you let them hold doors open for you and treat you like a lady should be treated? I have told Landon to treat girls like ladies, even when they don't treat themselves that way.
Maybe I am old-fashioned, but I don't think so. I just want us to treat each other with respect, and kindness and to care a little more about our neighbor than ourselves. That's all. What a wonderful world it would be.