Sunday, May 3, 2009

Scrappin' Fool

Yesterday was National Scrapbook Day. A friend and I went out Friday night and scrap booked until the wee morning hours. By the time I got home, it was about 1:30 in the morning. I haven't kept those late hours since I was a silly young adult, with no need for sleep! I guess you could say that we are die-hard scrapbook fans. We are planning a weekend getaway in a few weeks from now and I can't tell you how much I look forward to that. It's not that I need the time away from my family, or because I just need to get away from my seemingly mundane life. I like my life very much actually! No, it is a time for me to create something that will *hopefully* be beautiful and meaningful for my three kids. Now the frustrating part for me comes into play because I am so far behind! I am trying to catch the kiddos albums up to 2008 and then work on them together. Sadly, I realized last night that I was still in the year 2003 for Savannah's albums. I wondered to myself how I would EVER get caught up and came up with a plan to try and do a little at night, when the kids are all tucked into bed and I have a little "down time" before I head off to bed myself. That is the only way I can see that I have any chance at all of getting caught up.

I have so many ideas and plans for future scrapbooks. I want to do some cookbooks, with all of the beloved family recipes. I hope to do one about me, because how many of us have questions about our moms, and their lives? I know I do. I would love to create scrapbooks as gifts. And I want to create cards because there is nothing better than receiving a handmade card. (Besides, the store-bought ones are so expensive.) Oh, and my sister is brilliant at those by the way! Anyway, that is my plan, and my dream. It's a legacy that I can leave my children and my grandchildren. It is something from my own two hands that I have worked on literally for hours. But mostly, it is something from my heart, and something that let's them know how very much I love them, even when I am long gone from this earthly world.

What is your legacy to your kids? Perhaps you journal? Do you scrapbook too? What memories and traditions are you leaving for the ones that you love?


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