Monday, August 31, 2009

Precious Moments . . .

I tip-toed down the hall to his bedroom. The morning light was streaming through the slats of his blinds. Something this morning had prompted me here, so I quietly pulled back the choo-choo train bedding and handmade quilt to lay next to my sweet boy so that I could watch him sleep.

I know I had a smile on my face as I noted his ruffled, way-too-long hair, his sweet cupid lips, long brown lashes and the remnants of his pudgy, silky-smooth baby cheeks. The house was quiet, and it was blissful. Next week we would be hustling and bustling and trying to get ready for school, but for right now, this moment was mine, and I knew that I would hold it in my heart forever.

Soon his sleepy eyes popped open and grew wide as he realized that he was not alone. The sweet smile spread across his face because this was a rare treat for him too.

We were almost nose-to-nose as we stared at each other and barely said a word. We were so close that our vision was blurred. He closed one eye and then the other, over and over, playing his little boy game. Still we stared, and I was happy.

"I love you Mommy," he finally said.

"I love you too Landon". And I did, and we did. And life was good.

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