Moran kids on the first day of school
The kids started a new school several weeks ago. They love it because they get to go to school with their much-treasured cousins. It doesn't get much better than that for them. There have been a few adjustments, including some dietary changes for Landon. We are trying to figure out if he has a gluten, dairy, or egg allergy. (Maybe even all three), but I hope not.
Savannah is in 8th grade this year and is trying her hand at volleyball. This will be her first year in 10 years that she is not in ballet. I don't know if she will decide that she misses it or not. It gave her so much grace; and through the years, many people have asked if she dances ballet just because of the way that she carries herself.
Emma is in 5th grade and Landon is in 3rd grade. They both love school but are adjusting to some of the differences . However, they have not had much complaint. Emma had a small "cell" project to do over the weekend. She had to re-create the inside of a vegetable cell in whatever way she wanted. She took some gelatin and filled it with food items that looked like all of the components that are inside the cell. It was very cool and looked very much like the inside of a plant cell. However, since she did it yesterday, it didn't look quite as nice this morning when she pulled it out of the fridge. I told her that the teacher would surely be able to see what "was" and not what now "is".
I am missing the kids quite a lot some days. It is so quiet here. What do you miss during the day when your kids are at school? Or better yet - if you home school, what do you enjoy about having your kids at home?
Have a fabulous week,