Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day!

Old Town La Quinta -a quaint little place where we had dinner Saturday night.

A small gift - the rainbow that reminds me of God's love, and His promise.

Kevin and Savannah, walking hand-in-hand. It's all about being together.

Happy Labor Day! We spent this weekend doing small things, unimportant things. It is the weekend before school. A weekend where I really appreciated the kids being home and the time we shared this summer. It was a weekend where we had one more day with Kevin before he is back to work, working the many long hours that he does.

I let the kids make messes while I cleaned out cupboards. Not a fun thing to do, but I always love the results. I stayed inside most of yesterday and pretended that the fall weather was here, and that it wasn't over 100 degrees outside. Our pastor says to embrace the desert temperatures, and truly, it doesn't seem quite as bad when you do that!

We saw a beautiful rainbow Saturday night when we were on our way to dinner. It was humid outside and hot, but it looked like it might rain. The rainbow was a beautiful and unexpected treasure that seemed to be put there just for me. I just had to snap a picture from the car.

I have chili in the crock pot. In a few moments I will be off to run some errands and then back to complete our back-to-school dinner. I got this idea from Nie Nie, a blog I follow. Stephanie and her husband were involved in a near-fatal plane crash. She is more than inspiring. She has reminded me to remember the importance of the small things, to delight in the smallest treasures that family and life have to offer, and to make memories. The kids are excited. I am excited. It is going to be great. Go make some memories of your own, OK?

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