The other night I asked Kevin if years ago, when we were first married, if he ever anticipated being this BUSY. His answer was no. I vaguely remember when I used to have plenty of time for myself. I even remember being bored. That has not been a word in my vocabulary for a very long time. I no longer know the meaning of that word. I know this time in my life will pass, and maybe I might even long for these days again. One day my kids will be grown and I imagine I will go through the house remembering this season of my life with a certain fondness and probably even a little sadness.
My life is pretty simple, and I try very hard to keep most of the "clutter" out. Even the things that I want to do, and feel I should do; such as serve at my church, are put on hold. I find that for me, I have to keep my life as simple as possible just to keep up with the day-to-day, seemingly mundane but necessary things. I often wonder how some women can seem to juggle so much, but there is no such thing as Superwoman, and my guess is that although they may appear all together on the outside, they probably really aren't. They probably have bills to pay, grocery shopping to do, and a never-ending laundry basket full of clothes just like I do.
Kevin and I laugh ourselves silly sometimes when we look back on the days when we only had one small child. It was soooooo hard at the time. Hard? Are you kidding me? At least with one, there is still that 2 parent to 1 child ratio. Not anymore. And let's not even talk about finding a babysitter. Three is the "magic", "I won't babysit your kids" number. Well, there are a few brave souls. But you see, I understand, because let's go back to when we thought one child was hard, not three with very different personalities. And in truth, they aren't hard. In fact, I just wish life would slow down just a little bit. I see my Savannah turning into a teenager right before my eyes. Emma is growing up and says so many profound things, and Landon, my baby is not a baby anymore. Even his chubby little face is all-too-fast becoming long and lean.
So maybe I am busy, but years before, I didn't take the time to "smell the flowers" as often as I do now. I am learning to take the small moments with my children, especially since sometimes that is just about all of the time we have. And I blog, to preserve the memories of our life because most of the time I am just too busy to scrapbook, even as much as I desire to. Some things you just have to make the time for. I am still learning that lesson but at least I am getting better at it. What about you? Are you making the time for what's really important in your life?
1 day ago
That was so sweet, I know exactly what you mean, and I know those "perfect" on the outside moms are a lot more stressed out than I am. I don't even try to be perfect except when it comes to my kids- the housework and all the other stuff can wait. I will be volunteering and helping at the school x3 in a few years so I figure that will make up for not doing it now. :) I will read a couple extra bedtime books tonight because of this post.